Aliens attack Peru village! 7ft creatures seen floating in mid-air | Redacted with Clayton Morris



My dad witnessed a lifelike hologram at a huge Science fair in the 1950’s, which was a woman country singer on a center stage playing a guitar and singing. He was always amazed at how realistic she was. If they were already able to project lifelike images in the 1950’s, Well today this is incredibly easy and perfected. We can easily be made to believe anything they want us too, if we are gullible or scared enough.

This is an obvious psyop meant to instill fear. For many years I worked with a woman whose husband was from South America. She spent 3 months in his country of birth on vacation and came back with wild stories about the ufo history in South America. Her husband’s family members and relatives shared numerous scrap books with her that contained decades of news articles, photos, drawings, and details they had witnessed over the years. The most disturbing story was about women getting abducted, impregnated, and then the fetus disappeared after a final abduction. I have no doubt there’s something going on down there that people are indeed experiencing. Sorry to say, I now believe it’s a combo of govt/military interference. They’re gearing up for their big alien invasion we’ve been hearing a lot about the past few years. I hope people don’t fall for it, as it’s a ploy to terrify everyone into conformity under the guise of protecting us. There is a large demonic element to this topic, so people should take it seriously and be aware.


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