Why Biden’s Just Wrong: NO ONE “Knows How to Make Government Work.”



With every administration Reagan is proved right, the government is not the solution, it's the problem.

The most frustrating thing is how much we pay in taxes and if we don't pay WE go to jail.


  1. He cannot even negotiate himself. Not fit to drive a wheelchair. Much less make a rational decision. Robert De Niro says something like Biden is the best. Letting billons of illegal immigrants in is a disaster. Even asking people to open their homes and let them in. Are they criminals? Do they have a disease? Are they wearing a mask? Does the house owner have enough space? Do the kids need diapers? Are the homeowners working? These are some of the questions that need to be asked before even thinking about that. Now. Add a million people. Each one needs to be fed. Place to live. This is one issue. Second. Americans came out of Covid. Parents were told to stay home. Kids could not go to school. Teachers were getting paid. Did not want to go back. Kids as young as five years old forced to where a mask. Dr. Fauci deceived the country. With no help from the WHO, CDC, and others, their decisions were not by Science. Evidence is showing now, that these agencies lied about the numbers infected. Numbers that may have died from the virus. Or not. Ignored the good options for treatment. Hydroxichloriquin and Invermictin and others. These were tested for years. Evidence also shows anyone, even other doctors, that gave a different opinion were silenced. Other doctors in my opinion, had better credentials. Mainstream Media were also lying. The First News, NEWSMAX, Judicial Watch, The Verdict Newsletters all show the evidence. Ongoing lawsuits on this. Third. Add in the Climate Chaos. Biden is praised by some as a Climate King. Do not forget, as they want you to. That the Alaska Pipeline workers were put out of jobs. Fuel from the reserve was drained. Then Biden went to other countries to beg for oil. Americans were forced to deal with inflation. Not only on fuel, groceries, clothes, heating and cooling. Even talked about banning some appliances. EV’s are not as good as gas powered vehicles. Even car manufacturing realize this. And the electric grid is not prepared for n more stress. Again. Not thinking through decisions. Not only that. Not everyone is prepared for a quick change. Gradual. Fourth. American children trying to get back to school. Throw in the CRT, DEI, and woke nonsense. Add porn and transgender confusion. Kids are trying to learn how to read, write, Math, and feel confident going back to school. This is bad education. Even School Boards and Teachers Unions attacking parents that stand up for their, not the governments, children. Heck. Some could not even define a woman. Five. The January 6 and Defund the Police lies. Not all the footage backed up the claims of an insurrection. Dozens of people were let in. Couple civilians helped Capitol Police. An unarmed Ashley Babbitt was killed. The officer that did that was hidden in a hotel for days. He even said he did not look before firing. No arrest. Defund the Police was a no brainer. BLM, Antifa, and other bad groups were praised. Even when they burned businesses, attacked police and civilians, and looted. In the name of George Floyd. The leader of BLM used donations to help her live lavishly. Supposed to use to better communities. Many black people that are conservatives agree that the Defund the Police, and lies from the left, are not right. Who, according to the coroner, died from drugs and heart condition. The hold was deemed allowable by the police manual. Six. The laptop. Evidence that Joe and Hunter were involved with business together. Bribed. As the checks, phone calls, airplane flights, and witnesses come forward. The evidence is crystal clear. All covered up by the FBI and DOJ. Seven. Weaponizing those against innocent Americans point of view. Think that’s called free speech. It’s not even threatening speech. Yet, Eight. Trump is being prosecuted for saying, “March to the Capitol peacefully.” He was mad in my opinion, and maybe others. Hillary pushed the Russian Hoax. Paid people to. He was attacked for over six years. That despite, record low inflation, borders secure, helped get Covid Vaccine approved in record time. Closed travel to and from China. Sent a ship with supplies, doctors, masks, vaccines, beds, and supplies on a ship to New York. Governor Cuomo was bragging about a book. All the while sending virus patients into nursing homes. Despite the Mainstream Media and others, like De Niro, Trump put America First. Not the Biden Socialist, Communist, Marxist, America last agenda. Seven.
    Churches that help thousands of people per year being scrutinized. America was founded on Judaea/ Christian beliefs. Not the race garbage. Help each other. Colleges and Universities harboring hate. This is not good. Israel was attacked first. God sent his son to die for all. To get to Heaven you must confess your sins. Pray in Jesus Name. Then God gives you the Holy Spirit for understanding. Be Baptized. Then go into a lost world and tell others. Not all Religions and Darwanism are right. All think they are. Jails are full in every city. This is the only way. God is love. Religions that push the radical hate is from the devil. Not God.


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