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He will never be able to show his face again after this…

He will never be able to show his face again after this…



People like him are the exact reason our country is in the state it is.

I’m a 9/11 First Responder and it sickens me when these lefties compare Jan. 6th to 9/11. THERE IS NO COMPARISON! What is the basis of his statement? What is the basis of Kamala’s statement? I did not see them in the rubble searching for victims who may still be alive! I did not see them recovering body parts from the rubble! It is a slap in the face to the nearly 3000 victims who died that day as well as their loved ones. It is an insult to the first responders like myself who are stricken with 9/11 cancers and related illnesses as well as those First Responders who have succumbed and continue to suffer and die of these horrific illnesses. It obviously angers me! Then there are all of the brave men and women who gave their lives fighting in the wars that resulted from the attack on Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Absolutely disgraceful to make that comparison!

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