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The TRUTH about the Maui Fires EXPOSED?

The TRUTH about the Maui Fires EXPOSED?



We can send billions of dollars to Ukraine but we can’t help out Hawaii to put out a fire……
Come on people wake up!!!!!

Sorry for Maui’s loss. The early 2000’s when I was in Lahaina there were sugar cane farms across the highway that acted as a fire break for that town. In 2013 the government started shutting down those farms and letting them go back to pasture land. Since 2013 the those plots of land were left to return to basically nature state. The land was not even allowed to go back to cattle grazing either. So we have no farming allowed, no cattle grazing and nobody trimming the bushes and removing the dead fall for years. It was a fire waiting for a spark was all it was. So why did the local authorities not sound the Tsunami horns to get people to evacuate the area. That system can be heard all over town and if those horns go off you are supposed to listen for the announcements on the radio or TV. Somebody really dropped the ball here and an investigation needs to be held before the story is glossed over with bull crap. Climate Change is not a realistic answer for this fire. Government incompetence and meddling is more likely the cause.

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