Ex-Californians Moving Back Home, Regret Moving Down South?!



I’m in Florida and I say don’t let the door hit you on the way out. My adult son who is an engineer is having trouble buying a house because of all the Californians coming in. These inflated house prices are ridiculous

As a Native Texan I can speak for all Texans. Not a single one of us will miss you. Also we are filled with such southern hospitality we will be happy to help you pack. Bye Felicia


  1. Dylan Mulvaney needs to ‘act like a man’ suck it up and stop crying about not making it for Bud! 😂😂😂 💕

  2. Anyone stupid enough to want to live in California is welcome to go back.

    If I were going to move, that is one of the places I’d never consider.

  3. There’s one big problem with Californians moving to other states. They take what they’re running from with them and destroy whatever state they move to. Nevada is a good example and Arizona (where I live) is in the process of following. As one who was born, grew up, worked, and retired in California I can’t say I blame anyone for leaving that state. Back in the 1930s living in California was like living in praise. That is no longer the case. With the government there it’s become like living in Hell. I left over 20 years ago and have no intention of ever going back for any reason.

  4. This is the best news any Red state could hear. We don’t want you, why? Because our house prices have gone up, we don’t want your politics, we want to live free and not have Demo. tyrants run our life. We like our lives and don’t want change. Go back. PLEASE. I’m a former NY and live in TN and I tell my fellow NY that TN is horrible WHY I don’t want them moving here (haven’t been back to degusting city in 17yrs. and won’t go back). Keep your woke ideas in your home state.

  5. There’s 2 kinds of people who left California. Those that were really sick and tired of all the shit that goes on there and those who left California for the sole purpose of turning a red state into a crappy blue state. It sounds like it’s the latter that is getting homesick for the freak show in California because in a red state that kind of crap could get your face shot off. Dummycrats should STAY in dummycrat states! They are NOT welcome anywhere else.

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  7. Californians go back, we don’t need u here, if I could I would move from New York, unfortunately I am too old and can’t. Good Luck to all the young people who can.

  8. Their running back because their afraid of the populace in the south because we don’t bend over to what they want and we believe in fully standing up for ourselves as well as our families and our lord!

  9. Right lol … and a 5 millon dollar pay off for being black didn’t have anything to do with it. Just cause we talk slow doesn’t mean we are. What I want to know is when are they going to pay off the NA’s then . Yall killed them off instead of inslaving them. Yet you want to pay blacks 5 millon each even tho California wasn’t a slave state. Guess you need their votes pretty bad then. They may as well take the money for now, cause they will screw you blacks in the end. Ask any NA about the fork toung of the white man.

  10. I was born in ca, I,m 75 now 50 yrs. Ago we moved to south Texas to be bu my parents worst thing we ever did . Was there for 22 months, of hell moved back to ca and not about to leave, I don’t like the way ca is today but will fight all I can to get the ca back that I remember!


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